
My name is Karen, I am in my mid 50’s and recently found out that I have an overgrowth of candida albicans in my body.  It has taken an amazing amount of years to come to this conclusion.  Doctors, Naturopaths and many other alternative health care professionals have never diagnosed this condition.  Yet, I showed the symptoms way back in my teens.  It wasn’t common knowledge back then, but hey it is pretty much front page news now and yet…still no diagnoses.

In all fairness to the medical and alternative communities, one of the things I have come to realize is that an overgrowth of candida albicans can be very hard to diagnose…but simply assuming and acting accordingly is of tremendous benefit to everyone in this environmental world today!

I am passionate about clearing the candida overgrowth (candida is a vital part of healthy flora and fauna in the intestinal tract) while finding and offering support to others.

My choice is to go this journey with the high quality assistance of dōTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils & Products!  Their commitment to purity and potency are unparalleled in the healthcare industry!  The benefit to our organs and immune system (as well as reducing the inflammation, balancing the enzymes, providing ‘healthy’ energy) is immense!  More can be found at www.mydoterra.com/HappyWithOils or contact Karen at gifts of the earth at yahoo dot com  thanks! 🙂

2 Responses to About

  1. Lucky says:

    Hi Karen, Nice to see you here! But sad that it looks as tho there has been no activity since Dec 2012. I too am in my 50s and a doTERRA IPC (Wellness Advocate) and I too have a major overgrowth of Candida that it seems began in my youth, AND I too have just started a support group! I would love to be able to chat with you about your journey and how you use doTERRA to regain your Yeastie Balance. Eagerly hoping to hear from you soon!! Thanks & God Bless Your Friday!! Lucky King

    • Hi Lucky! Great name! Yes, I was pretty active with the group for a while. Even though candida overgrowth is an epidemic, I couldn’t seem to get people to ‘get on board’. I held gatherings, etc but decided my time was better spent in other ways.

      I hope you are doing well in your candida balancing journey! Are you using doTERRA’s GX Assist and PB Assist?? I admit I have trouble saying no to sugar… Blessings to you! Karen

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