Reduce the Toxic Load

Of critical focus in the elimination and balancing of candida albicans in the intestinal tract is to reduce the toxic load to our bodies. There are some things we can do very little about but some we can. Body washes, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste (have you ever read the warnings on toothpaste-scary!), hand soap, perfumes, dyes…eek! I have a complete love affair going with dōTERRA dōTERRA means gift of the earth, and that resonates with me! I am passionate about our beautiful Earth- we are meant to be deeply connected with nature. And dōTERRA has brought us very close with these wonderful ‘gifts’ the the purest and most potent essential oils as well as body washes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, etc! The research and quality is the highest available today! They have raised the bar on certified quality. All their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (CPTG)!  Safe to use with infants, pregnant mothers, children & seniors. One drop of their peppermint essential oil (EO) is equal to 28+ cups of tea.

Don’t be intimidated, this has been my first association with essential oils, too, basically with these oils, just open the bottle and use them. They can be taken internally (except for a very few), breathed in aromatically, or put on topically. Open the bottle and enjoy!

In full disclosure; I have become an Independent Product Consultant with dōTERRA and make a small commission when people follow my lead. Please do not let that cause you to pause, everything we buy, anywhere, has had a sales person (s) in the mix somewhere. this company chose word of mouth as their best advertisement. I would be sharing this regardless of making a dime! It’s that good!

You can check out or contact me at gifts of the earth at yahoo. com

Don’t forget to join us at our next meeting Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 at Gordon’s Grange in Yelm, WA 98576 6-8 PM  (Across the parking lot from Gordon’s Garden Center 308 East Yelm Avenue)

I am experimenting with some ‘healthy’ holiday treats…come have a taste!

Happy December,


About Lady Gaia's Musings

I was given the name Lady Gaia by a high dimensional being many years ago because of my deep connection to our beloved Mother Earth.
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